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In the Office!
Just another day in the office with thesamplerking!

Studio B
My favorite place to be in the world!

Studio A
The room with the magic! One of only 3 API 1608 consoles in Chicago! Bricasti Reverb, Tube tech, LA-2A, etc........

Sound Design Work!
Sometimes you have to get in there and get your elbows dirty, A/B-ing the virtual API 2500 plugin (Both Waves and UAD) with the actual hardware unit.

It's getting WARM in here! Great additions to the Studio B atmosphere!

Studio Work?
In the studio, having fun! #potsandpanaudio

Book thesamplerking!
Booking now for music production, recording and mixing!

Korg Poly 61!
My favorite piece of gear in the world, looks (and sounds) good for a 35 year old pre-midi synth!
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